• Get Active This Summer

    Camrose Primary Care Network | June 12, 2021

    Get active this summer:

    Summer is here and the kids are home from school. There are lots of ways to stay active with your children at home. Remember to follow all COVID-19 public health guidelines. And remember that sometimes all it takes is one good idea to get you to be active. Here are a few suggestions.

    Plant a garden and let everyone have their own special section.
    Go for a walk or to a park in your neighbourhood and play Frisbee.
    Plan a family road trip and bring a soccer ball or baseball to use on the way or when you get there.
    Walk at night and look for stars.
    Run through the sprinkler or play catch.
    Go on a weekly active outing or walk to a nearby park.
    Go for a bike ride—make sure to wear helmets.
    Play catch, hacky-sack or hopscotch in your yard.
    Go hiking or camping.
    Make an obstacle course and keep a chart with everyone's times.
    During commercial breaks while you’re watching TV:

    Run on the spot, do push-ups and sit-ups, or stretch.
    Play catch inside with a foam ball.
    See who can do the most jumping jacks.

    Do household chores—give everyone a task and listen to music while you work.
    Go to an open field and fly a kite.
    Plan a walk every day after supper and keep track of everyone’s steps on a chart.
    Exercise with fitness videos, apps, or TV shows like yoga or aerobics.
    Watch a show as a family and for every hour you watch, be active for an hour.
    Wash your vehicles or clean up the yard.

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