Geriatric Assessment Program
How it works:
The Geriatric Assessment Program is available to all patients of PCN physicians who are 65 years and older who are experiencing...- Frequent falls
- Signs of memory loss or established dementia
- Bladder concerns
- Decreased mobility
- Difficulty coping in their own home or community
What to Expect:
Once you have been referred by your family doctor, a nurse will contact you and arrange to complete an initial assessment.If appropriate, you will be further assessed by a doctor with additional Care of the Elderly training who will work with you, your family and your family doctor to develop a care plan that’s unique to you.
For more information
Talk to your family doctor or contact the PCNCamrose PCN West End Clinic
6540 – 48th Avenue, Camrose, AB
Phone 780 608-4927
Additional Resources
Canadian Mental Health Association - 780-672-2570Alberta Mental Health - 780-679-1241
Crisis Line - 1-877-303-2642
Senior’s Abuse Helpline - 1-780-454-8888
Elder Abuse Intervention Team - 1-780-477-2929
Camrose and District Support Services Seniors Guide
Elder Abuse Website
Check First – Investor Education and Fraud Prevention
Seniors Centre Without Walls
Seniors’ Health