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The Camrose PCN is pleased to be included in the Alberta Find a Doctor website to support you in your search of a family physician. Please note that family doctors use their own discretion in accepting new patients. Call their office for more information or to book an appointment.
Main Office
Camrose Primary Care Network
Rm 1110, Suite 4 Camrose Rec Centre
4412-56 St
Camrose, Alberta T4V 5K4
Phone 780 608-4927
Fax 780 608-4931
PCN West End Clinic
6540 – 48 Ave
Camrose, Alberta T4V 1R9
Fax 608-4931
PCN Clinics
Gemini Health Centre
2010 - 6708 48 Ave
Camrose, Alberta T4V 4S3
Phone (780) 672-9850
Fax (780) 672-9104
Smith Clinic
1-6601 48 Ave
Camrose, Alberta T4V 3G8
Phone (780) 672-2423
Fax 1-866-517-9863
Call 780-672-2423 for availability
Forestburg Medical Clinic
5004 – 49 Avenue
Forestburg, Alberta, T0B 1N0
Phone (780) 582-5185
St. Mary's Hospital
4607 53 St
Camrose, Alberta T4V 1Y5
Phone (780) 679-6100
Key Community Partners
Covenant Health, St. Mary's Hospital
4607 - 53 Street
Camrose, Alberta T4V 1Y5
Phone 780 679-6100
Fax 780 679-6196
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Healthy Living Centre (AHS)
Suite 3 Camrose Recreation Centre
4512 -53 Street
Camrose, Alberta T4V 5K4
Phone 780 608-8683
Addiction & Mental Health (AHS)
Aspen Business Park
4911 - 47 Street
Camrose, Alberta T4V 1J9
Mental Health Addiction Program
Phone 780 672-1181
Fax 780 679-5088
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Accepting new patientsCamrose PCN
- Dr. Smith
(780) 608-4927
Gemini Health Centre
- Dr. Harmse
(780) 672-9850 - Dr. Sainbhee
(780) 672-9850
Smith Clinic
- Dr. Anderson
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Awakan
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Boyd
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Bredesen
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Donia (Pediatrician)
Accepting pediatric patients via referral
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Els
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Fasan
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Iriogbe
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Jorgensen
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Letley
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Ndubuisi
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Nichol
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Olaitan
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Otto
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Pasha
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Slabbert
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Snyman
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Torok-Both
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Wang
(780) 672-2423 - Dr. Wheeler
(780) 672-2423
St. Mary's Hospital
- Dr. Bick
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. C Botha
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Groenewald
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Jaroni
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Minders
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Nguyen
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Katzell
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Nicholson
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Russell
(780) 679-6100 - Dr. Shute
(780) 679-6100
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