The Camrose In-patient Care program will support existing care provided by family doctors for patients in Covenant Health, St. Mary’s hospital.
What is an In-Patient Care Physician?
- An in-patient care physician is a doctor whose primary responsibility is to care for patients who have been admitted to hospital.
- An in-patient care physician will see patients who are in hospital and who have been referred by their family doctor, emergency room doctor or specialist. This is a voluntary program for family doctors to participate in.
- Similar to your family doctor, an in-patient care physician is dedicated to being your doctor throughout your hospital stay. The In-patient care physicians’ practice is based in the hospital which makes them more readily available to manage your care during your hospital stay.
- The majority of in-patient care physicians in Canada are trained in family medicine.
What is the Relationship Between the In-Patient Care Physician and Your Family Doctor?
- Your family doctor asks the in-patient care physician to be in charge of your care while you are in the hospital, but is welcome to check on you and discuss your care with the inpatient care physician anytime during your hospital stay.
- The two doctors work together. Your family doctor can provide information about your past health history to the in-patient care physician, and the two doctors can discuss any significant findings or events.
- At the time of your admission and discharge, the in-patient care physician prepares a detailed report of findings and treatment plans that is sent to your family doctor.
- When you are discharged, you will return to the care of your family doctor.
How Does the In-Patient Care Program Work?
- Your own family doctor may request that an in-patient care physician be in charge of your care during your hospital stay. In this way, you have the benefit of being cared for by a doctor whose practice is entirely focused on the care of hospitalized patients.
- The in-patient care program team (in-patient care physician and registered nurse) will be in charge of your care and will see you every day to direct your treatment while you are in the hospital.
- The in-patient care program team will be available to you and your family to answer questions and discuss your care.
- The in-patient care program team works at the hospital full-time to provide for your care and attend to any emergencies that may arise.
What if I Need Another Doctor While I’m in the Hospital?
- The in-patient care program team may consult other doctors to participate in your care, all the while communicating your status to your family doctor.
- Consultations from other doctors are needed in some cases, and the in-patient care program team can arrange for these as necessary.
- If you have already been seeing other doctors elsewhere, be sure to let the in-patient care program team know so the team can keep all your doctors informed about your hospital stay.
What Can I Expect Upon Discharge From the Hospital?
- The in-patient care program team will make arrangements for any prescriptions and extra assistance (i.e. home care) you will need when you are discharged.
- You will be asked to make an appointment with your family doctor or with other doctors and/or healthcare providers soon after discharge.
- Since in-patient care physicians do not have a clinic in the community, you may not have an appointment to see the in-patient care physician again after discharge. You may however contact the in-patient care program team after discharge, if you have any questions about your hospital stay.
What if I Do Not Have a Regular Family Doctor?
- The in-patient care program team can assist in finding a doctor for you to see after leaving the hospital. Records from your hospital stay can be sent to this doctor.
How Do I Contact the In-Patient Care Program Team?
- If you would like to speak with the in-patient care program team while you or a member of your family is in the hospital, it is best to ask to page the in-patient care program team.
Where Can I Find Out More About the Camrose In-Patient Care Program and How Can I Provide Feedback?
- For more information regarding the Camrose In-Patient Care Program or to provide feedback on the care you received please contact:
Dr. Boray Nguyen
Camrose In-Patient Care Program Physician Lead
Christie Sharun
Executive Director, Camrose PCN