Grief and Bereavement Support
We all face loss, eventually. And often we – along with our friends, co-workers, and family members – are not sure what supports are available. PCN physicians and staff have recognized there is an opportunity in the community to develop a program for individuals facing loss in their lives. The Hospice Society of Camrose & District, in partnership with the Camrose PCN, offers one-day Grief and Bereavement workshops throughout the year.This workshop is for people who are coping with grief and loss, as well as for people interested in becoming “grief helpers:” co-workers, family members or even physicians and health care professionals supporting people going through a loss.
Participants will learn:
- How to be a companion/grief helper to someone who has experienced a loss.
- The importance of integrating loss into our own lives first.
- That everyone’s grief journey is unique & that we all grieve differently.
- How to recognize signs of complicated grief.
- How to access appropriate community resources.
Additional Resources
Hospice ProgramsMyGrief.ca